Sonia Sarina Birrer - Dip. Rth, C.Hyp, C. BLSR, INHC

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When there is war…

We are living in a small mountain village with a rather small “community” so to speak. I use the word community without a common definition, for me, a community is formed naturally - in our case just based on the fact that we all live in the same place. When I use the word community, I mean just a bunch of people finding themselves in the same geographic spot. Within that natural community another community had formed, based on the same principles and moral and ethic ideas. And within that more defined community, some big human things have happened, that led to a huge conflict. It seems to emotionally involve a lot of people and it has escalated into a micro war, which represents the exact same principles and dynamics as in a big war. I am not surprised the micro war is happening as wars are happening all the time. But why? Why do wars happen and how can we handle them as an individual?

 We can decide to engage. And the war continues.
Or - we can decide to disengage. And there is no more war.

Let me explain why.

All that matters in any conflict is relationships. Always. Never ever have we had any issues where there isn’t a relationship.

The first and most important relationship we can ever have and we have to consciously nurture, is the relationship with ourselves. It is an ongoing “work” or an ongoing “being engaged”. It is the most important“thing” we need to be actively engaged in and it is the only “thing” we need to be engaged in ever. I will come to explain why later.

The relationship we have with ourselves includes the relationship with our physical body, with our emotions and our thoughts, with our Higher Self and with our Soul. The relationship with our Soul includes the connection to the spirit world.

The relationship with ourselves shapes our energetic frequency, our vibration to everything around us. Hence – the relationship we have with ourselves is the base of all relationships we have with others and the world around us.

The “others” we cannot influence or control. The relationship they have with themselves and the world is unique to them and for them only to decide. We can simply receive their frequency, see in what way it resonates with ours and decide in what way we want to engage or not in that new relationship that is formed automatically. There is nothing to do. Nothing to be engaged about. Nothing to nurture. The connection between two beings nurtures itself by the constant feed of energy that is emanating from each individual. This constant feed of energy is the only thing we can actively engage in and actively influence and change. Our energy. Our being. And with us changing ourselves, we automatically change the relationship.
Again, there is nothing else to do but living consciously in our own being, being aware of our own energy, our body, our soul, our emotions. And the moment we come in touch with another living being, we can be aware of the resonance between us and make decisions based on the awareness of that resonance.

When there are several relationships there is a communal relationship formed. Even many sub-communal relationships. And even though humanity has tried for centuries to structure organize and control these communal relationships – it never worked and it never will. It always leads to “war”. Be this a public war, a small communal war or – always – a war within ourselves.

The war withing ourselves is coming from the idea, that we can and have to actively engage and influence any other relationship than the one with ourselves. We are externalizing a job, a “doing” that has simply nothing to do out there. That awareness should be within, should be with our being. And by externalizing it, engaging in stories and wars outside of ourselves, we keep feeding the wars and we are missing out on our own proper attention. There is war within in that moment. There is the part of us that has gone out and left home and there is home fanatically screaming for it to come back as “home” gets lost without its keeper. “Home” is breaking down when empty, slowly over time, as it only exists when consciousness and awareness resides within. Home can only sustain when the keeper stays in it.

By going out of our home, we are making ourselves to phantoms. We are bodies walking around without spirit and soul. Why? Because we have left our homes and are looking to clean up outside. We cannot clean up outside, it is out of our control. We don’t have the right to do so, we don’t have to force to do so, we have no tool within us, to clean up outside.

Just imagine someone else is coming into your life trying to control it and decide what you have to do and how and when. Of course, you can decide to follow that control for a while, and maybe you do – but that control has zero influence on your proper being, on your “home” and on your Soul. Your Soul always remains sovereign, even if your spirit might get caught in the games and plays on this earth.

So, the day you wake up to your Soul again, you have the power to shift your frequency in that exact moment and no one and nothing can stop you. Because you can do that without moving a limb or open an eye. The sovereignty over your energetic frequency lies 100% in your own control.* This is what great masters have achieved even when imprisoned and tortured to death. They have created peace within and even if they left this world with suffering and pain one cannot imagine, the moment they brought their Soul back home, they left in peace and nothing and no one could change that or take that away from them.

The first step to bring our Soul home again, is to accept and realize, that the only relationship that is ever going to be one to engage in, is ourselves. And everything else, is and should be out of our control and influence. It is an active and conscious process wanting to clean just inside our own house and takes discipline and active engagement.

While we are in that process of coming back home, our emotions will go quite frantic as they have finally found the owner back in again and know, finally, someone is seeing them and will listen. In other words – all our shadows will come up and present themselves to us. It is a difficult time and a huge test to remain “home”. To invite in all that, which we have swiped out of our home, while we were looking outside and neglecting the inside. All of it will want to come back and maybe all at once.

Good news is, there is nothing we can’t handle. It has already been there, there are no new feelings or dynamics so to speak, we have known them all the way already, just not within. We thought they were outside. When really, we were just looking and engaging on the outside with the same things, that we can only change on the inside.

But the final result of a conscious engaged process of bringing awareness inside, is peace. When our home keeper has finally understood and found its place, the only place, where it can unlock the full potential and more power, than it could have ever imagined, then, there will be peace within.

We are indescribable powerful when we remain home. Aligned with our Soul, there is nothing that can shake us and there is everything we can change in an instant.

Any individuals place in war is home. We can choose to disengage because we are not interested to create war within and we are no longer interested to feed the war outside of us. We can create peace within. The frequency of peace is an all-encompassing frequency. It is stronger and more powerful than anything else. There is nothing to do anymore for someone in that frequency but be. And everything around, which is naturally and automatically going in resonance with that frequency, encounters a profound personal shift.

My only and my deepest wish for humanity, is for each and every one of us, to create peace within, to come back home.

I am sharing with you a video excerpt from the wonderful spiritual master and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, who has recently left this physical incarnation. Yet his energy and vibration remains and continue to bring us further in our own soul’s journeys.