Sonia Sarina Birrer - Dip. Rth, C.Hyp, C. BLSR, INHC

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Why Using Past Life & Regression Therapy to deal with the PRESENT and the FUTURE

Imagine, everything that has ever happened in your life has been packed into a backpack, a backpack, that you are carrying with your on your back. It is on your back, you kind of forget you are even carrying it and you certainly can’t see it. But you can feel it.

What we do with Past Life and Regression Therapy (I am adding the AND as I don’t always go into a Past Life, sometimes we work with early memories from this current life), so with Past Life and Regression Therapy, we take the backpack off, we open it, we look inside, we start to take out the objects in it and decide what to do with them.

To take off the backpack, the first step, we often use Body Therapy. As I said above, you certainly can’t see the backpack, can’t see what is inside, but you can feel it. If it has never been taken off, it can be quite uncomfortable and unsual – the body does know how to take it off but the mind is not too sure.

After we have let the body do its work, we can open the backpack. To open it, we use a light trance state. In light trance, you are still completely aware of what is happening around you, you are in charge of your words and thoughts. BUT, it is your subconscious that is now speaking through you and no longer the active everyday left brain, known to organize your life, take care of your thoughts, plan for the future and make sure you don’t run in front of a car. 

The subconscious is your memory and your intuition. It knows everything that has ever happened to you. In this and yes, in past lives.

So we open the backpack by accessing the subconscious with the help of a light trance. And then we look inside and we start taking out the objects until we get to the bottom. 

And that’s it. Every object gets looked at and decided what to do with it. And once everything is been taken care of, the backpack is very very light. We put it back on and continue our present life with more clarity, joy and a feeling of freedom. We plan now for our future with fresh ideas, empowered thoughts and nourshing energies.

Past Life Regression and Regression into childhood is not about identifying with the negative things that have happened in the past and getting stuck there… It is about letting go of the negative things we are carrying subconsciously everyday with us and being totally, utterly present in the PRESENT. It is about reconnecting body mind and spirit and finding the clear and direct path to your souls intuition.

If you would like to book your Past Life and Regression Therapy Session or aPast Life Soul Journey, you can choose a date in my online calendar for a FREE pre-chat.